Hello there!

Welcome to my Portfolio.

I’m Sarosh Chopra, a UX Designer based in Toronto

Recently, I completed my Master’s Degree in Digital Media,

specializing in UX Design at Toronto Metropolitan University

I am a competent designer, a good team player and have strong communication skills

I am also very detail oriented, with a strong work ethic and high creativity

Feel free to reach out!

Former UX Designer of 3 years at Deloitte Digital USI

Passions and Interests

🧑🏼‍💻 Digital Design and Innovation

I love reading up on the latest in innovations of the Information Technology sector

I also love reviewing new apps, and new features of existing apps

Check out my published review of Figma here

🚘 Cars

I’m a car nut in the making. I am super impressed by the cars offered by Porshe.

However, I’m a bigger fan of the Honda NSX Type S and the Nissan GTR series

🏸 Fitness and sports

I am a former college and club soccer player.

I am also a former club and university open badminton doubles player(I placed 3rd)

I love training in the gym with a mix of strength and stability exercises